Monday, 27 February 2017

Amok Island has captured elements of the diverse community at UniHall through a street art wall piece outside our standard premium rooms.

What was once just a space for residents to lock up their bikes is now an area for them to wander past and take in the intricate parts of the wall piece. It’s a great way to relax after a stressful day at classes.

Xander, Amok Island artist, describes his style as abstract and realistic at the same time. He uses the bare minimum in colour palette and geometric shapes to represent a subject.

“For the UniHall mural I was looking at the Hall surroundings where there are many Australian native trees. I found a species of Eucalypt only found in Southwest WA and chose a composition of a single branch. You can see the branch incorporates different stages of flowering and seeds which you can relate to students starting and finishing their degree at the Hall,” says Xander.

Residents are the heart and soul of UniHall. It was the UniHall Art Committee who noted the work of Amok Island and recommended him for this piece.

Art Committee member Valentine Pons is quite fond of the creativity and simplicity of his work.

“From my own interpretation of the art work I believe it illustrates the diversity we have at UniHall. Not uniquely the diversity in culture but also of thoughts, beliefs, and interests. I hope the artwork, with all its colours, will bring UniHall something special, something to remember it by and to brighten up students’ days,” she says.

Check out our time lapse video below to see the construction of the piece from start to finish.

Media references

Kelly Sheppard, Marketing and Communications Officer, University Hall, 9273 37488


University Hall