Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Seven postgraduate students from Bristol University in the United Kingdom are spending 10 weeks working with UWA Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management (CENRM) researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the ecology unique to the Great Southern.

The students are completing a Master of Science degree majoring in Global Wildlife Health and Conservation and have chosen to do research projects with the University of Western Australia as part of their studies.

Research topics include the ecology and management of small mammals, influence of wind turbines on plant pollinators, and public perception of shark management strategies such as the recently install shark barrier net at Albany town beach.

“The exchange program between The University of Western Australia and Bristol University is a great opportunity for the students to experience an environment completely different to their own. An increasing number of international postgraduate students are recognising that Albany and surrounds, with its beautiful natural environment and good facilities is an excellent place to conduct research,” said CENRM Acting Director Dr Barbara Cook.

Media references

Peter Speldewinde (CENRM) (+61 8) 9842 0845

Paula Phillips (UWA Albany Centre) (+61 8) 9842 0810


Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management — The Albany Centre