Friday, 16 August 2013

The University of Western Australia has welcomed Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's proposal to create a new Perth-based National Floating Systems Research Centre, with industry, Government, UWA and three other Australian universities as research partners.

The Prime Minister's proposal includes development of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) technologies for WA offshore gas production, with Federal Government funding of $30 million.

University Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson said it would enable UWA to build on its internationally-acclaimed program of oil and gas research, including FLNG production.

"The University looks forward to working closely with the Government, industry and research partners in developing Perth as a global centre of excellence in an industry vital for Australia's economic future," Professor Johnson said.

"It will also strengthen UWA's program of world-class research and international collaboration to position Perth and Western Australia as a leading centre for advanced 21 st Century technologies."

Media references

Michael Sinclair-Jones (UWA Public Affairs)  (+61 8)  6488 3229  /  (+61 4) 00 700 783


Events — Media Statements — University News
Energy and Minerals Institute — Science Matters