Friday, 5 March 2010

The Faculty is making good progress toward delivery of Phase 2 of the Future Framework in accordance with the schedule determined by the University.

Phase 2 for this Faculty comprises developing complete proposals for the undergraduate majors identified in Phase 1, including details of the units comprising those majors, as well as proposals for unattached units, end-on honours courses and masters courses.

This process is occurring under the direction of a Steering Committee chaired by Associate Professor Cara MacNish and comprised of representatives from each of the schools in the Faculty, the Dean and other members from within the Faculty.

As part of this process, working parties and school representatives are in the process of outlining curriculum and delivery for units in the new undergraduate courses.

The Foundation Units working party, chaired by Caroline Baillie, is focussing on the first two years for the Engineering Science major and integrating faculty wide input through representatives from all schools.

The development of the third year of the Engineering Science major, and the continued development of majors in mathematics and statistics and computer science, has been devolved to the appropriate schools and discipline groups.

In parallel to developing the undergraduate course, the Steering Committee has requested expressions of interest across the Faculty for End -on Honours programmes, unattached units and Masters programmes and received an excellent response. The committee is meeting on a weekly basis and feedback will be communicated to respondents as soon as possible, with the next stage involving the production of more detailed proposals on the relevant University forms.

The Phase 2 submission process is an important Faculty wide project, and all participants should be commended for their continuing contribution. The feedback from the Interim Board of Studies on the Phase 1 majors, and the required forms for Phase 2 are available on the Faculty's Future Framework website.

Media references

For questions or concerns on Future Framework, contact:
Cara MacNish - x3453, [email protected]
Kay Horn - x1374, [email protected]


ECM Faculty Focus