Thursday, 30 April 2009

The Faculty Strategic Review continues to make significant progress, with most of the review areas about to publish their issues papers and commence work on the development of options, principles and plans for addressing these options and achieveing our vision for the future.

Staff are encouraged to continue participating and contributing to the review. Your ideas and information are essential to understanding the issues the Faculty faces, the areas we can improve, and planning options for the future.

Summary of Review Progress

  • The Education Co-Chairs, James Trevelyan and Gordon Royle, have released the first of the Issues Papers for the Strategic Review 2009. The report is available on the Strategic Review website . These issues papers are designed to sum up the current challenges and opportunities in the Faculty and form the bases of considering options for the future.
  • The first meeting of the ECM Summit, the steering committee for the Strategic Review 2009, was held on Monday 20 April 2009, and the review was strongly supported by all members of the ECM Summit. Information on the ECM Summit, as well as Agendas and Minutes, are available on the Strategic Review website .
  • A call for submissions from the Faculty was made recently, and all staff are highly encouraged to consider making a submission to one or more of the review areas, even if it is only short. The guidelines for making submissions are available on the Strategic Review website . Submissions can address all aspects of the review, including the issues papers and potential options, principals and changes for the future of the Faculty.

Upcoming Events

  • The Governance and Management Co-Chairs are holding their first open scoping workshop on Thursday 7 May 2009. Further details will be available on the Strategic Review website . All staff, both professional and academic and of all levels are encouraged to participate in this workshop, and contribute to understanding the challenges and issues we face as a Faculty in our existing governance and management, as well as the examples of best practice.
  • The Physical, Information, Communication and Computing Infrastructure Co-Chairs are currently in the process of planning their first round of focus groups, and details of these will be made available shortly.
  • The Education Co-Chairs have commenced work on the second stage of the review process, and are working towards an options paper to be published in the near future.

Media references

Questions, concerns or enquiries should be directed to:

Mr Stuart Broadfoot
Manager, Special Projects
(08) 6488 2463
[email protected]

Strategic Review 2009 Website


ECM Faculty Focus