Thursday, 19 March 2009

The current financial environment is impacting on the capacity of Partner Organisations to commit cash. Predictions are that in the May round, application numbers will be down and success rates up!

There is no change in the basic requirement that the combined Partner Organisation/s cash and in-kind contribution must at least match the $$s requested from the Commonwealth, with a minimum total cash contribution of 20% of the funds requested from ARC.

Please note that unlike last year…….

  • The rule that projects requesting less than $50,000 do not require cash no longer applies - a minimum cash contribution of 20% is now needed.
  • If the Proposal includes a request for an APAI stipend, the Partner Organisation(s) must contribute a combined cash minimum of 20% of the student stipend and 20% in-kind.  Previously it was $6k + $6k p.a.
  • An increased entry salary point for staff with PhDs of Level A, Step 7 (previously Step 6) should now be factored into project budgets.

Internal Deadline: 29th April
External Deadline: 18th May
UWA guidelines:
These will be updated shortly for 2010 funding – watch for the Research Announcement.
ARC website:
FECM Linkage Refresher Session: 24th March 1-2pm – see Events
Guidance: Your peers, mentors and FECM Research Development Officer: Debbie Thackray


ECM Faculty Focus