Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Faculty is delighted to announce the award of the latest industry and research grants. We are pleased to acknowledge the excellent research achievements of our esteemed colleagues and look forward to highlighting further grants in future newsletters.

D r Britta Bienen, Centre for Offshore Foundations Systems: ‘The Use of winged Piles to optimise the Foundations for offshore Energy Production’— $5,500 (2009)

Dr Martin Kocan, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering: ‘Novel Microelectronic Solutions for Biomedical Research and Technology’—$11,124 (2009-10)

Prof Mohammed Bennamoun, Computer Science and Software Engineering: ‘Thermal City Inventory by Means of Gyrocopter TIR Image Flights’—$20,765 (2009-10)

Congratulations on these successes.


Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering — ECM Faculty Focus — School of Computer Science and Software Engineering — School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering