Friday, 13 March 2009

We have now begun the implementation phase of the UWA Future Framework set by our Review of Course Structures. An Implementation Committee is charged with ensuring that the necessary changes are made in a systematic, timely and appropriate manner, with adequate notice to all stakeholders.

The Implementation Committee has commissioned a dozen working parties, which are now actively considering various practical aspects of the Future Framework.

Working parties

At the Vice-Chancellor’s request, each working party is chaired by an Implementation Committee member to ensure efficient co-ordination.

  • Resource Implications - Chair: Peter Curtis
  • Marketing and Communications - Chair: Ian Reid
  • Frameworks, Definitions and Rules - Chair: Jon Stubbs
  • Embedding Research - Chair: Robyn Owens
  • Postgraduate Course Development - Chair: David Plowman
  • Unit Reduction - Chair: Ian Reid
  • Indigenous Student Support - Chair: Jane Long
  • Honours and B.Phil - Chair: Robyn Owens
  • Communication Skills - Chair: Ian Reid
  • Student Advice - Chair: Jon Stubbs
  • Service Learning - Chair: Ian Reid
  • Music - Chair: Ian Reid

To ensure efficiency in scheduling meetings and pursuing tasks, the groups need to be small at this stage. They draw their membership in various ways from different faculties and other sections of the university. Some members will be added as the work proceeds.

Working parties are advisory to the Implementation Committee, which will bring proposals on key issues to Academic Council and other decision-making bodies. Further information about working parties will appear regularly on this site. In the meantime, any questions should be sent to Professor Ian Reid.

Other opportunities for staff engagement

Working party participation is just one of several ways in which UWA staff members will be engaging with the implementation process. In addition:

  • some important tasks are being undertaken through existing committees on which there is already broad representation
  • most faculties, schools and administrative areas have already set up their own working groups to consider particular issues
  • a wider reference group, open to any interested member of the UWA community, will be brought together to exchange views and information
  • a range of meetings will continue to be convened so that different staff groups can provide input and raise questions (for example, the ‘Talking Heads’ forum for heads of school).

Through channels such as these, many staff members will be contributing directly to the development of the Future Framework. To ensure that the eventual changes will be of lasting benefit to our students, our staff and the various communities we serve, it is necessary for the whole UWA community to work together in partnership.

The project team in 2009

A project team is providing support to the Implementation Committee and its working parties.

  • Professor Ian Reid works full-time on the Future Framework implementation as Senior Academic Reviewer, with authority delegated by the University Executive.
  • Professor David Plowman works part-time with Ian on academic issues.
  • Mr Jon Stubbs works part-time with Ian on administrative issues.
  • Ms Kaye Macpherson-Smith has been appointed Executive Officer to the Implementation Committee.
  • Ms Sonja Nottle has been seconded as Project Officer.
  • Ms Lyn Peacock is assisting with some working parties.

Questions or comments about any aspect of the Future Framework implementation should be sent to Professor Ian Reid.

Main current priorities for the Implementation Committee

Working parties are preparing advice for the Implementation Committee on a range of matters. At present the Committee is giving particular attention to the need to:

  • gain formal Commonwealth approval for transfer of HECS places
  • devise a full timetable for the whole implementation process
  • explore all resource implications of putting the recommendations into effect
  • advise Academic Council on membership of the Board of Coursework Studies
  • clarify course information for prospective students and other stakeholders
  • develop strategic documents for communications and marketing
  • complete projections and planning for transition to new professional degrees

The Bachelor of Health

The Implementation Committee has resolved to notify Academic Council that it sees no need to retain the BHealth, previously proposed as one of the small number of new undergraduate degrees. The main reason for this decision is that staff who teach in the relevant disciplines have predominantly come to the view that a separate first-cycle degree in Health is neither necessary nor desirable. For example the intention now is to provide all UWA medical education within an integrated four-year postgraduate MD course, entered via any undergraduate degree. Special provisions will continue as at present for Indigenous, rural and other disadvantaged groups.

Disciplines such as Dentistry and Population Health, if they decide to offer undergraduate majors as a foundation for more specialised postgraduate studies, can readily do so without the need for a BHealth.

Other new undergraduate degrees

The Implementation Committee has reaffirmed its commitment to proceed with the other new undergraduate degrees listed in Recommendation 1 of the Review report, Education for Tomorrow’s World. Therefore, following full implementation of the Future Framework, every undergraduate student will enrol in one of the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Design
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons)


Teaching and Learning
New Courses 2012 Staff