Monday, 19 March 2012

EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2012

If you are an undergraduate in 2nd year or above (including Honours) please participate in the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2012 survey. You will be helping Information Services plan for future information technology needs and you will also have the chance to win an voucher.

Access the ECAR survey now

Please note that this is a US-centric survey and question 36 asks about ethnic background. We encourage you to use the "Prefer not answer" option for this question.

The survey will be open from Monday 19th of March to Thursday 5th of April.

UWA is committed to improving student use of information technology in higher education. The results of this survey are very important to us and our goal to improve the student educational experience.

Although originally a US-only survey, ECAR are now expanding into other areas, including Australia, South-East Asia, and Europe. UWA is very pleased to be joining the 145 institutions already participating in the ECAR survey group.

This survey is open to all students aged 18+ and classed as being undergraduates 2nd year and above, including Honours. Students under 18, 1st year students and Postgraduates are not eligible to participate.

Participants will be in the running to win either a $50 or $100 gift certificate to, with winners selected by ECAR using a random and confidential process.

Thank you very much for your participation.

Access the ECAR survey now

For more information about the survey please go to or contact Kael Driscoll: [email protected]


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