Monday, 5 December 2016

Dr Sato Juniper’s term of office as a member of the professional staff will expire before the first ordinary meeting of the Senate in March 2017.  An election to fill this vacancy will take place on Monday 27 February 2017. The term of office for the elected candidate will be three years in accordance with the amended Act of the University of Western Australia.

In terms of section 8(1)(b) of the amended University of Western Australia Act and in accordance with the “regulations for the election of one member of staff other than academic staff”, those eligible for election are members of general staff who either hold ongoing appointments or hold, or can demonstrate they have a reasonable expectation of holding a contract which will enable them to complete a three year term on Senate.  Eligibility extends to both full-time and part-time members of staff.

Nominations are now invited for the vacancy, and should be submitted on the Nomination Form which is available here and should arrive no later than 5.00pm on 20 January 2017. The completed form should be accompanied by a “Candidate’s Statement” not exceeding one side of an A4 paper, which includes a short biography and a brief summary of the reasons for seeking Senate membership. This statement must be submitted in a final form ready for reproduction. The University Secretariat accepts no responsibility for the editing of statements.


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