Friday, 5 August 2016

A new University-wide framework has been developed to support informed planning of academic workloads.  This framework comprises agreed principles and common processes as well as a workload modelling application (in Hyperion) for allocation of academic activities.  This framework will enable transparent, fair and equitable workload allocation across the University while also improving data quality and analysis capabilities.

The new workload modelling application will be deployed across schools and faculties in the coming weeks to support preparation of 2017 workload allocations.  Several staff members have been trained as system super-users who will, along with the project team, work closely with Heads of School and professional staff to implement the framework.  Roll-out will be done in the context of the Integrated Planning Exercise being managed by Strategy, Planning and Performance.

Further information: You will be kept updated as the roll-out of the framework progresses or you can contact Jacqueline Flowers, Manager Strategic Implementation with any specific questions.


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