Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Work-integrated learning (WIL) is becoming increasingly popular with both students and employers as a way to put theory into practice and become job ready.

While there are more than 100 for credit units identified as placements, practicums and internships at UWA, many students because of their course load or their desire to gain employability skills, are seeking not for credit work experience. The mid semester break is an ideal time for students to undertake work experience.

To assist students access work experience the Careers Centre is introducing on campus ‘ Winternships’ .  UWA students have a broad range of skills to offer. Your faculty may need a student to assist with a marketing campaign, end of financial year processes, assisting with research,  planning or design.

If your faculty is able to provide a student with a meaningful learning experience, training or skill development during the semester break for 1 – 4 weeks (June 27 to July 31) the Career Centre would like to hear from you by 27 May.

Please email to express interest in providing a Winternship for a student.


UWA Forward