Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Chair of the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive Judith Hackitt will discuss the importance of a proactive approach to well-being in the workplace at a breakfast event at The University of Western Australia next Tuesday 10 November.

With almost a third of our lives spent at work, it is crucial to our physical and mental health that is a positive experience. But what does well-being in the workplace look like and how can you achieve it?

Hosted by UWA’s Centre for Safety, the event will also feature speakers Greg Heylen, CEO of BGC Contracting, UWA’s Professor Sharon Parker, a leading work design and well-being researcher and Professor Mark Griffin, Director of the Centre for Safety and internationally recognised safety leadership researcher.

Mr Heylen will discuss BGC’s approach to promoting well-being in the workplace while Professor Parker will explore the significance of designing work that promotes well-being and prevents ill-health and Professor Griffin will examine the relationships between well-being, safety and productivity at work.

Professor Griffin said well-being involved not only remedying ill-health, but also promoting positive well-being.

“Organisational programs and workplace cultures that are committed to fostering well-being, as well as preventing ill-health, will reap the benefits of a safer, more productive and engaged workforce,” he said.

Registration is $55 and bookings can be made through the Centre for Safet y. The event will begin with networking at 7am with breakfast served at 7.30am, followed by presentations and a Q & A session.

WHAT: UWA Centre for Safety Breakfast: Well-being at Work

WHERE: The University Club of WA, entrance from Hackett Drive

WHEN: 7.00am – 9.00am

Caption: Chair of the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive Judith Hackitt

Media references

Dannielle Finnerty (UWA Centre for Safety) (+61 8) 6488 2188
David Stacey (UWA Media and Public Relations Manager) (+61 8) 6488 3229 / (+61 4) 32 637 716


Media Statements — University News