Monday, 12 October 2015
  • Recruitment for a Director Strategy, Planning and Performance is currently underway. Until the Director commences, a range of measures have been implemented to provide leadership and ensure a smooth transition for the Office’s three units: Risk and Legal, Performance Analytics and Strategy and Planning.

  • In Risk and Legal, Kim Heitman is leading the transition in partnership with Dan Hutchens. Key positions, including Associate Director, Risk and Legal, will be advertised in coming weeks. Staff from Risk Management and Legal Services are currently transferring to the new structure and it is envisaged that the team will be fully transitioned by the end of the year.

  • In Performance Analytics, Natalie Mast has transferred to the unit’s Associate Director role. Staff have been transferred to new positions and are currently moving to co-locate in the area previously occupied by Planning Services.

  • In Strategy and Planning, Paula Langley has been appointed for 4 months to the Associate Director position. Paula will continue the work she has commenced as the Project Lead and complete the implementation of the new Office. She will also provide leadership to staff transitioning to the Strategy and Planning team and ensure key projects and processes such as the Integrated Planning Exercise are supported until the Director and Associate Director positions are filled permanently.


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