Monday, 22 June 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Professional and General Staff Agreement 2014 provides for the establishment of the Classifications Review Committee (CRC). The CRC is a part of the process for position reclassification and the purpose of this Committee is to review appeals, monitor trends and deal with major issues.

A pool of four representatives are elected for a three year term, with two representatives participating in each Committee meeting. The Chair selects meeting representatives on the basis of occupational group and aims to achieve balance in terms of classification level and gender. Committee members are expected to be well experienced and informed regarding their occupation and understand the University.

Following a call for staff nominations to the CRC, six nominations were received, and therefore, a ballot was held for a pool of four staff representatives in November 2014.

The successful nominees for the pool of elected staff representatives for the CRC are as follows:

Ms Eva Chye from International Relations
Mr Leonard Hughes from Building Workshops
Alan Luks from the School of Plant Biology
Debra Paisley from Records Management Services

Congratulations to the above staff on their appointment.

Yours Sincerely,

Sandra Ventre
Director, Human Resources


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