Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Crawley campus has been a centre of political power this month with a visit by the leader of the world's third-biggest democracy and the first State Cabinet meeting at a University.

The Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, Professor Dr Boediono, delivered the Shann Memorial Lecture, one of the last events to mark the University's centenary - and 100 th anniversary of the discipline of Economics.

Professor Dr Boediono is an Economics graduate from UWA and the Shann  Lecture honours the founding Professor of Economics, Edward Shann.

The University bestowed an Honorary Doctorate on Professor Dr Boediono in 2011, cementing an important friendship with one of the world's most powerful men, who has a great affection for our University.

At a State level, history was made when Premier Colin Barnett chaired the first meeting of State Cabinet at a West Australian university. Cabinet met in the Senate Room in Winthrop Hall.

The Premier and his Ministers also engaged with staff and students from across the University at a range of events to showcase research and how it benefits the community.

In their campus meeting, the State Cabinet decided to push ahead with local government reform, which includes the extension of the City of Perth's boundary west to include all of UWA's Crawley campus and a residential area between the University and QEII Hospital.

UWA currently straddles three local government administrative areas - Perth, Nedlands and Subiaco - with one boundary dissecting the campus at Winthrop Hall and another isolating the main Crawley campus from the University's Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts.

The Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson said the boundaries added unnecessary time delays and expense to get simple things done including parking, waste management, public transport and planning.

"A move to bring the entire campus into the City of Perth will be enormously beneficial in UWA's role as a key international focus point in Western Australia to take education and science to the rest of the world."


UWA Forward