Sunday, 27 November 2011

Coincidentally, the two Graduate School of Education post graduate studies featured in the November edition of Education Review complement each other in intriguing ways.

Karen Read’s investigation of how schools went about implementing the West Australian Certificate of Education presents a rich and realistic portrayal of the often disorderly, complex, chaotic and unpredictable nature of organizations in the midst of substantial curriculum change.

These are the circumstances, of course, that school leaders contend with on a day-to-day basis and make their roles extraordinarily challenging. It stands to reason, therefore, that the preparation, development and support of school leaders cannot be left to chance. Enter the work of Jenny Kuhn, which has charted professional learning opportunities available to principals and highlights the need for approaches that enhance principals’ capacity to lead learning rather than simply responding to system imperatives.

Hence, the theses taken together not only provide deep insights into the complex circumstances facing school leaders , but also help to identify processes that are most effective in equipping school leaders to do the job.


Graduate School of Education