Monday, 23 August 2010

As we move towards our centenary we are again considering the principles that have driven the growth and development of our physical campus.

Our reputation as one of the finest learning environments in Australia - and our campus' special place in the hearts of many West Australians - is the result of the careful planning that has been integral to our University since its establishment in 1911.

Indeed, our beautiful campus is testament to the foresight of several influential architects who, over the decades, have maintained its unique relationship with the Matilda Bay foreshore and managed a balance between the retention of green space and the need for buildings to service our growing student and staff population. Car-parking on campus has been kept to a minimum, encouraging use of public transport and walking and cycling.

The physical planning of our University is guided by the Campus Plan. The plan, reviewed every 10 years, is the key tool to guide decisions on the functional layout and future development.

Campus Plan 2010 will build upon the Campus Plan 2000, taking into account changes in economy, society, environment and governance over the past decade. The focus is on 2010 - 2020, but it also sets the foundations for campus development through to 2060.

Campus planning therefore has two aims: to ensure there is enough land and buildings to accommodate teaching, research and other needs over the next decade; and to place our University to the best advantage to meet external and sometimes unforeseeable situations over the next 50 years.

The key planning drivers in the next decade are the introduction of our new course structure from 2012; increasing research; increasing student numbers; the desire for student residential experience; and the development of and planning for new buildings.

We must make the UWA experience as fulfilling as possible - by continuing to provide a campus that is a safe place to visit, work and study.

The draft principles which will guide the development of Campus Plan 2010 are available for you to consider and comment on until September 17. I would urge you to engage in the discussion: plan/2010

Vice-Chancellor Alan Robson


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