Monday, 3 August 2009

All new research staff are invited to UWA Research Orientation: Settling in at UWA.

The UWA Research Orientation: Settling in at UWA has been redeveloped to provide an in-depth support to academics and researchers commencing at the university.

Online materials offer an intensive overview of the University's research strategy, useful services, time and career management, mentorship and negotiating performance expectations. New staff may enrol in the online component whenever they commence.

The follow-up face-to-face orientation in August then allows interaction with experts, colleagues and services. Assistance with local inductions is also provided.

This is an invaluable resource for all research active staff. A few hours undertaking this orientation may save 2- 3 years of stalled career!

The details of the event are as follows:
14 August
Time: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Venue: Water Sport Complex

For further information or to enrol, please visit the website or contact Belinda Ireland .

Media references

Magdalena Matuszczyk / [email protected] / 6488 4277


ECM Faculty Focus